Thursday, April 26, 2007


Winning means different to all!
The world is changing and the business dynamics are changing almost everyday, so the new challenges are emerging at every step you take. Facing all the challenges that comes in front of you is the winning!

In politics, keeping the aspirations of the people is the winning.

For teachers, keeping students in the classroom with patience for the whole class time is the winning.

For the street children, selling 25 copies of local 2 page news paper at the price of Rs. 3 in a day may be the winning.

From whatever the front, anyone who survives out of challenges is the Winner.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Transparency is good. But actually having nothing to hide is even better.
If some one hides something from others, he is never transparent.

Visit for more thoughts from Rajesh Shakya.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Extra mile for Success!

The Himalayan Times - a national daily in Nepal sent me an interesting questions today for their next "Sunday Perspective" for April 9, 2007 issue and asked me to respond by the end of the day.

The question was about the time pressure, if the time pressure stimulates creative thinking and better output from employees? Or pressure just acts as the stifling factor? I never had thought about this before. It made me think immediately and analyze my experience.

I believe, success begins on the extra mile. Time pressure is that extra mile. It stimulates the thrust to bring out all your hidden and open capabilities at the same time. You stand out and really prove yourself if you are forced by time or target. I have seen most of the visible achievement are made at the time of pressure. Moment of success after the pressured work is the most memorable and you feel utmost pleasure. But the super-extra pressure causes the distraction to job and sloppy output. So I believe a sufficient pressure works just like a stimulant for creative thinking and visible accomplishment.

Moderate pressure never works. Pressure should be "just sufficient" to stimulate enthusiasm for creativity and pleasure.

Visit for more thoughts from Rajesh Shakya.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


The roof terrace outside the top floor of my office in Kathmandu affords views to the distant hills outside the valley. But my personal vision ranges even further. I strive to see the entire globe from my roof top.

Visit for more thoughts from Rajesh Shakya.